Author: Marcus Rossberg

The Metalinguistic Construal of Mathematical Propositions

Zeynep Soysal

In this talk I will defend the metalinguistic solution to the problem of mathematical omniscience for the possible-worlds account of propositions. The metalinguistic solution says that mathematical propositions are possible-worlds propositions about the relation between mathematical sentences and what these sentences express. This solution faces two types of problems. First, it is thought to yield a highly counterintuitive account of mathematical propositions. Second, it still ascribes too much mathematical knowledge if we assume the standard possible-worlds account of belief and knowledge on which these are closed under entailment. I will defend the metalinguistic construal of mathematical propositions against these two types of objections by drawing upon a conventionalist metasemantics for mathematics and an algorithmic model of belief, knowledge, and communication.

A relevant framework for barriers to entailment

Yale Weiss

In her recent book, Russell (2023) examines various so-called “barriers to entailment”, including Hume’s law, roughly the thesis that an ‘ought’ cannot be derived from an ‘is’. Hume’s law bears an obvious resemblance to the proscription on fallacies of modality in relevance logic, which has traditionally formally been captured by the so-called Ackermann property. In the context of relevant modal logic, this property might be articulated thus: no conditional whose antecedent is box-free and whose consequent is box-prefixed is valid (for the connection, interpret box deontically). While the deontic significance of Ackermann-like properties has been observed before, Russell’s new book suggests a more broad-scoped formal investigation of the relationship between barrier theses of various kinds and corresponding Ackermann-like properties. In this talk, I undertake such an investigation by elaborating a general relevant bimodal logical framework in which several of the barriers Russell examines can be given formal expression. I then consider various Ackermann-like properties corresponding to these barriers and prove that certain systems satisfy them. Finally, I respond to some objections Russell makes against the use of relevance logic to formulate Hume’s law and related barriers.

Vague Identity: A Uniform Approach

Xinhe Wu

There are numerous apparent examples of vague identity, i.e., examples where two objects appear to be neither determinately identical nor determinately distinct. Philosophers disagree on whether the source of vagueness in identity is semantic or ontic/metaphysical. In this talk, I explore the use of Boolean-valued models as a many-valued semantic framework for identity. I argue that this semantics works well with both a semantic and ontic conception of vague identity. I also discuss, in the context of Boolean-valued logic, responses to the Evans’ argument under the two conceptions.

Modal QUARC and Barcan

Jonas Raab

I develop a modal extension of the Quantified Argument Calculus (QUARC)—a novel logical system introduced by Hanoch Ben-Yami. QUARC is meant to better capture the logic of natural language. The purpose of this paper is to develop a variable domain semantics for modal QUARC (M-QUARC), and to show that even if the usual restrictions are imposed on models with variable domains, M-QUARC-analogues of the Barcan and Converse Barcan formulas still are not validated. I introduce new restrictions—restrictions on the extension of the predicates—and show that with these in place, the Barcan and Converse Barcan formulas are valid. The upshot is that M-QUARC sheds light on the in-/validity of such formulas.

Relevant Logics as Topical Logics

Andrew Tedder

There is a simple way of reading a structure of topics into the matrix models of a given logic, namely by taking the topics of a given matrix model to be represented by subalgebras of the algebra reduct of the matrix, and then considering assignments of subalgebras to formulas. The resulting topic-enriched matrix models bear suggestive similarities to the two-component frame models developed by Berto et. al. in Topics of Thought. In this talk I’ll show how this reading of topics can be applied to the relevant logic R, and its algebraic characterisation in terms of De Morgan monoids, and indicate how we can, using this machinery and the fact that R satisfies the variable sharing property, read R as a topic-sensitive logic. I’ll then suggest how this approach to modeling topics can be applied to a broader range of logics/classes of matrices, and gesture at some avenues of research.

Towards a Structuralist Metasemantics for Number Words

Eric Snyder

According to non-eliminative structuralism, the referents of numerical singular terms, such as the numeral ‘two’ or ‘the number two’, are numbers, construed as positions within the natural number structure. However, a potential problem comes in the form of sentences like ‘{∅, {∅}} is the number two among the von Neumann ordinals’. If this is an identity statement, then its truth would seemingly require identifying the second position of the natural number structure with a particular set, thus giving rise to a version of Benacerraf’s famous Identification Problem. In response, Stewart Shapiro (1997) draws an analogy to expressions like ‘the Vice President’, which are ambiguous between denoting an office-holder (e.g. Kamala Harris) or an office (the office of the Vice Presidency). Similarly, Shapiro suggests that in ordinary arithmetic contexts, such as ‘Two is less than three’, we view positions as analogous to office-holders, while in other contexts, we view them instead as analogous to offices occupied by entities playing the role of numbers, e.g. {∅, {∅}}. However, this suggestion faces two serious challenges. First, what exactly is the nature of this purported ambiguity, and what empirical evidence, if any, is there for it? Second, even if we grant the ambiguity, we appear to get a revenge version of the Identification Problem anyway: just permute the positions within the natural number structure. The purpose of this talk is to defend Shapiro’s ambiguity thesis, by supplying the empirical support required, and explaining how, when appropriately understood, the semantics assumed does not give rise to a revenge form of the Identification Problem.

Is Functionalism Inconsistent?

Owain Griffin (OSU)

Starting with Bealer (1978), some authors have claimed that Beth-style definability results show functionalism about the mind to be inconsistent. If these arguments go through, then the Beth result provides a way of collapsing functionalism into reductionism – exactly what functionalists purport to deny. While this has received discussion in the literature (See Hellman & Thompson (1975), Block (1980), Tennant (1985)) it has recently been resuscitated and refined by Halvorson (2019). In this paper, we question the argument’s accuracy, and propose a new objection to it. We claim that in order to derive its conclusion, the argument relies fundamentally on equivocations concerning the notion of definability.

Logic, Natural Language and Semantic Paradoxes

Amit Pinsker

How should we respond to semantic paradoxes? I argue that the answer to this question depends on what we take the relation between logic and natural language to be. Focusing on the Liar paradox as a study case, I distinguish two approaches solving it: one approach (henceforth ‘NL’) takes logic to be a model of Natural Language, while the other (henceforth ‘CC’) suggests that a solution should be guided by Conceptual Considerations pertaining to truth. As it turns out, different solutions can be understood as taking one approach or the other. Furthermore, even solutions within the same ‘family’ take different approaches, and are motivated by NL and CC to different extents, which suggests that the distinction is not a binary one – NL and CC are two extremes of a spectrum.

Acknowledging this has two significant upshots. First, some allegedly competing solutions are in fact not competing, since they apply logic for different purposes. Thus, various objections and evaluations of solutions in the literature are in fact misplaced: they object to NL-solutions based on considerations that are relevant only to CC or vice versa. Second, the plausible explanation of this discrepancy is that NL and CC are two ways of cashing out what Priest calls “the canonical application of logic”: deductive ordinary reasoning. These two ways are based on two different assumptions about the fundamental relation between logic and natural language. The overall conclusion is thus that a better understanding of the relation between logic and natural language could give us a better understanding of what a good solution to semantic paradoxes should look like.