UConn Logic Group Logo

We have an ever expanding domain of applications of logic: in mathematics, in philosophy, computer science, linguistics, cognitive science, and social science. More and more fields demand logical analysis.

Professor Sara Negri, delivering the 2019 Annual Logic Lecture


Logic Group’s Statement on Black Lives Matter

The UConn Logic Group, as a founding and principal member of the Logic Supergroup, is a co-signatory on the Supergroup’s recent Statement on Black Lives Matter. The full statement appears below. Statement from the Logic Supergroup organizers on Black Lives Matter The killings of George Floyd and Breonna Taylor by police have resulted in deep […]

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Online Truth Conference

This might interest you:  TRUTH 20/20 — an online conference, July 27 – August 6, 2020. http://tinyurl.com/truth-conference-2020

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Logic Group videos and new Logic Supergroup channel

There are number of new recordings of UConn Logic Group colloquium talks on our youtube channel: www.youtube.com/c/UConnLogicGroup. We are also introducing playlists: for example, for last year’s “If” by any other name workshop here, or the keynote lectures of the SEP 2018 conference (which was hosted by the UConn Logic Group) here. We’re also happy […]

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Online Logic Supergroup!

We’re co-organizing a series of online colloquia. Currently six nine fourteen sixteen (I stopped counting) logic groups, programs, centers, institutes, … from around the globe are participating.  Go here for details: https://logic.uconn.edu/supergroup/

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2019 Workshop: “If” by any other name

UConn Logic Group Workshop, April 6-7, 2019 “If” by any other name It is a relatively recent development that research on conditionals is taking a deep and sustained interest in the full range of linguistic markers, their interactions with each other and with other linguistic categories, and the ways in which they drive and constrain […]

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UConn Logic Group Launches New Certificate Program

The Logic Group is pleased to announce that the Graduate Certificate in Logic is now accredited—which means that we can start awarding it! A website explaining the certificate in detail is in the works. We hope to have this up by the time the new semester starts. In the meantime, here is a rough summary: […]

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This Semester

  • 10/25 Logic Colloquium: Nicole Cruz (Potsdam)
  • 11/7 Gary Mar: “Gödel’s Theorems: An Incomplete Journey” Lecture
  • 11/15 Logic Colloquium: Zeynep Soysal (Rochester)
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Association for Symbolic Logic @ UConn
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Logic Supergroup
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Connecticut Institute for the Brain and Cognitive Science
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College of Arts and Sciences