Statement on Black Lives Matter |
Please visit the Official Logic Supergroup website for more information, incl. a schedule of the online colloquia talks by the some of the member groups (i.e., talks that are not Supergroup talks).
The Logic Supergroup is an alliance of logicians in quarantine. It comprises logic groups across the world, hosting virtual talks by speakers that these group would have had in their physical seminars/colloquia, had it not been for the global pandemic. Topics include philosophical logic, mathematical logic, and the use of logic and formal methods in linguistics, computer science, cognitive science, and other areas.
Participating Groups
- ALOPHIS, University of Cagliari, Italy
- Bergen Logic Group, Norway
- The Brazilian Logic Society, Brazil
- Buenos Aires Logic Group, Argentina
- C-ALPHA at UC Irvine, United States
- Calcutta Logic Circle (CLC), India
- Calgary Peripatetic Seminar, Canada
- Carnegie Mellon University Program in Pure and Applied Logic, United States
- Centre for Logic, Epistemology, and the History of Science, Unicamp in Campinas, Brazil
- Foundational Studies Bristol, UK
- GroLog, Groningen, Netherlands
- Group in Logic and the Methodology of Science, Berkeley, United States
- Helsinki Logic Group, Finland
- IHPST, France
- Indiana University Program on Pure and Applied Logic, United States
- Institute of Logic, Language and Computation (ILLC), Amsterdam, Netherlands
- International Laboratory for Logic, Linguistics, and Formal Philosophy, Russia
- Kansas Logic Group, United States
- Kyoto Logic Group, Japan
- Logic & Philosophy of Science Florence Group, Italy
- Logic Group at the Institute of Computer Science (LogICS), Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
- London Group for Formal Philosophy, United Kingdom
- Melbourne Logic Group, Australia
- Milano Logic Group, Italy
- Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP), Germany
- New York City Logic Group, United States
- Notre Dame Program in Logic and Foundations of Mathematics, United States
- OC-IE HPLM Group, United StatesÂ
- Proof Theory Virtual Seminar
- Pukeko Logic Group, New Zealand
- Research on Logical Expressivism Group (ROLE), Pittsburgh and Montreal, United States and Canada
- The Utrecht Logic-in-Progress Seminar (TULIPS), Utrecht, Netherlands
- UConn Logic Group, United States
- UNAM Logic Group, Mexico
- Vienna Center for Logic and Algorithms (VCLA), TU Vienna, Austria
Log-in information for the talks is circulated via the Logic Supergroup mailing list.
Please contact one of us (see below) to be added to the mailing list.
Videos of previous talks…
… are now available on the Supergroup youtube channel!
- Johanna Franklin, Hofstra University
- Shay Logan, Kansas State University
- Marcus Rossberg, University of Connecticut
- Shawn Standefer, University of Melbourne
- Damian Szmuc, University of Buenos Aires and CONICET